Gas Chromatography Service

Gas chromatography (GC) is a common analytical technique using for measuring vaporized compounds. In GC, the analytes injected into the instrument are sweeped into column by the carrier gas. The various components of analytes are separated in the column, depended on their different chemical and physical properties and their interaction with column. At the end of column, the components are detected and recorded as retention time and signals. To quantify a sample by GC, a standard curve is needed using samples with known concentration. By comparing the retention time and signal area with standard sample, the ID and the concentration of sample is determined.

Creative Proteomics provides GC analytical services for testing various materials, not only biopharmaceutical products and substances. The experienced scientists in Creative Proteomics have developed and optimized SOP for GC analysis based on GC-FID and GC-MS.


GC-FID is the most common used GC instrument, in which a flame ionization detector is applied to measure the concentration of organic species separated by the column. When the organic compounds are combusted in the hydrogen flame, ions are formed and detected. The generation of these ions is proportional to the concentration of organic species in the sample gas stream. GC-FID has a wide linearity and detection ranges, suitable for analytes with concentration from trace to high level. With the low cost for operation and maintenance, GC-FID analysis is affordable for most customers in need.

Gas Chromatography Service


GC is coupled with MS, which works as a structural and quantitative analyzer to determine the compounds separated in the gas stream. The separation capabilities of gas chromatography and the high sensitivity and selectivity of MS make GC-MS to be a powerful tool to identify different substances, especially the unknown samples.

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.

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